• Laboratory Reagents and Fine Chemicals
    Laboratory Reagents and Fine Chemicals
  • Quality Lab Chemicals at Competitive Price
    Quality Lab Chemicals at Competitive Price
  • Bulk Packs available for all Products
    Bulk Packs available for all Products
  • ISO 9001:2015 Certified Manufacturing Facility
    ISO 9001:2015 Certified Manufacturing Facility

Manufacturers of Laboratory Reagents and Fine Chemicals

We are one of the leading manufacturers of HPLC, AR/GR and LR Grade Laboratory Reagents & Fine Chemicals.

Molychem is in the business of manufacture and imports of laboratory chemicals and intermediates in semi-bulk and bulk quantities. Molychem is known for its consistent Quality, Quick Service and Competitive Price. We can supply all our items in small as well as Bulk Packs. We also provide custom-synthesis to meet the needs of our customers.


Awards & Certification

India 5000 Best MSME Award 2018

Awarded to Molychem for outstanding contribution in quality and excellence, in realm of customer satisfaction, impact on society through service & management to boost up all.